It Starts with the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF Kindle Edition

It Starts with the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF Kindle Edition
Author: Visit ‘s Rebecca Fett Page ID: B00J9Q3NQ4

File Size: 2674 KBPrint Length: 221 pagesPage Numbers Source ISBN: 0991126904Publisher: Franklin Fox Publishing LLC (March 25, 2014)Publication Date: March 25, 2014 Sold by:  Digital Services, Inc. Language: EnglishID: B00J9Q3NQ4Text-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: EnabledLending: Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #27,128 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Parenting & Relationships > Fertility #10 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diseases & Physical Ailments > Infertility #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Personal Health > Women’s Health > Pregnancy & Childbirth

Rebecca Fett has written an extremely well researched and helpful book for women who have fertility issues. If you are having trouble getting pregnant or have had miscarriages this book has some excellent insight into these problems. I’d even go so far as to recommend this book to any woman who wants to get pregnant because Rebecca Fett reveals information that could help you have a healthy baby.

This book is based on scientific research and if you like biology this will especially interest you. There is a discussion about chromosomal abnormalities and how they cause miscarriage. Then there is information on chromosomal screening and how it increases your chances of pregnancy.

According to this book egg quality declines after 30. Sperm quality also declines in older men. So while this book deals mostly with female issues there is a chapter for men.

Basically "It Starts with the Egg" is a book about how to ovulate a good egg. There is information on many different supplements you can take to get you as healthy as possible. Diet is also discussed and you may be surprised that even your dental health can affect fertility.

While this book discusses taking folic acid and most people know this what most of us are probably not thinking about is the danger of phthalates and BPA in plastics. There is some good advice about switching over to glass containers. I was relieved to learn that drinking bottled water is probably not much of a risk in regards to BPA.

If I was to recommend one book to women who want to get pregnant and have a healthy baby this would be it. If you are dreaming of having a baby then this book is essential.

~The Rebecca Review

I received this book free for review. This review is my honest opinion.

Well researched and well written, straightforward advice that strikes a balance between between what’s known and what’s not yet known. Good to read early! We waited till we’re already doing IVF, but much of the advice is better implemented a few months prior to IVF or even better while your still trying to conceive naturally.

Absolutely, hands down, helped me get pregnant. Doctors had said no way, with an FSH of 35, really low AMH, and a very low follicle count. After two years of trying, they said donor eggs were the only way. I followed the diet, got rid of plastics, chemicals, and all the other stuff Fett warns about, and was pregnant naturally in 2.5 months. Granted, I was also doing Julia Indichova’s work, seeing a TCM acupuncturist every week, doing fertility yoga, drinking herbal infusions, and about six other alternative healing practices, but it was this book that provided me with the scientific evidence for why all that other stuff would work. Believing is half the journey! If you are a Type A organized/planner who is trying to get pregnant (or will be soon), or has just been diagnosed with low egg quality/reserve, or unexplained fertility, read this book today! Also good to share with a scientifically minded partner who is anxious to jump into IVF without waiting for you to spend a couple months juicing, meditating, and seeing the acupuncturist.

Also- now that I am pregnant (17 weeks) we are so glad we know about the dangers of BPA, plastics, SLS, phthalates, etc., and have eradicated them as much as possible from our lives. Sometimes I think that the baby was waiting for us to figure this stuff out and start living cleanly before coming!
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